I hope you all enjoy the blog and even find it useful in your daily life or at some time in the future. The blog will have little features like fact of the day, quote of the day, etc... I thought this would be a fun way to design The Kat blog and it comes from one of my favorite memories of high school. My freshman year math teacher would post a fact of the day up on the board for the entire school year and I've been very surprised as to how many I've actually remembered over the years and come in handy at weird times in life. So thank you Mr. T!
Today ended up being a very long day out at appointments, so to be honest, it was a navy Juicy jumpsuit day with sneakers. This outfit, which is reserved for the gym and couch only, was all over the place today. But once I got home and ready I put some of my favorites on...

Today I'm wearing...
: A very girly style military jacket with ruffles on the back that I got at Anthropologie on sale because there was something wrong with it (which I never found, yay!).
: A black fur vest by Yves Soloman from Intermix in L.A.
: My favorite black cashmere pashmina that I broke the bank for about 5 years ago, but has proven its worth and I love it more and more every time I wear it, which is about 3-4 times per week in the fall and winter.
: My vintage Chloe cardigan.

: A vintage jersey that I found in L.A. on Melrose.
: My 1980's gold Chanel dog tag chain, which was for sale in The Kat, but a few friends convinced me to keep it. This necklace I found in Paris and will always have special meaning to me. It was one of the first pieces I acquired for the store. Oooppss ;)
: And last but not least my Fiorentini and Baker boots from Headstart on 17th and Sansom.

Tip of the day:
As you can see I've mixed a lot of colors in this outfit, there are really no rules when it comes to mixing anymore, except when it comes to patterns. So if the pieces feel right together, mix and match away your favorites to create a fun and great look that can become your own unique style that you feel most comfortable in.
When I found this, I had to make this my vintage find today. This is a 1958 1st edition hardback of Breakfast At Tiffany's by Truman Capote. Not only is this one of my favorite movies for the fashion (tha
treasured. This book was originally sold for $3.50.
Here is the link if you are interested in bidding on it :)
Quote of the Day:
"How many cares one loses when one decides to not be something but to be someone." Madame Chanel
This is one of my favorite quotes from my favorite powerhouse woman. Get out there and be somebody today! Every second is another chance to turn it all around...
Fact of the Day:
Why did Christian Louboutin decide to paint the soles of his shoes red?
"It is the color of love. It's the color of passion. Even if a woman is wearing all black, she might choose a red lip or red nails." Christian Louboutin
I couldn't agree more! When in doubt, throw on your CL's, a red lip and your go to handbag and you are ready to rock, just about anywhere. And don't forget your sunglasses, they will always make you feel and look fabulous!

Photo of the day: Charlotte Kemp Muhl
One of my favorite models and inspiration is Charlotte Kemp Muhl. I love her look and her individualistic style. She is fabulous for a million reasons. I just can't get enough of how incredible she is.
Finally posting... Took me forever to arrange the pics... Kept messing up my paragraphs... Live and learn... Till tomorrow...
xoxo bd