So about two nights ago as I was awake at 2:30 as usual for about 2 hours. I was first thinking about what to say to my extremely rude landlord over a very annoying situation... and then I got to a little inspiration thinking... Nothing I can really talk about now, since I am in the beginning process of the design, but I'm sure it will become a favorite of yours. Stay posted. Also this weekend my very good friend Sarah Berry,, came over to hang out and do some photography of a good amount of the stuff here at the Katacomb. In about two weeks, I will be posting one piece a day on my website to be sold, ONE and DONE. She is also displaying some of her art work here. She focuses on the power and sexuality in the femininity of the woman. Very inspiring and beautiful. Please check out her website to see her stuff. She is also available to do commission pieces. She has done one of me and is finishing up the piece very soon. I'm very excited to see it! I might share it on my blog... Not sure yet... She uses photography and mixed media art (wax and paint over her photography). Very feminine and beautiful.